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RIAA: Memorizing Music - the New Piracy?

Well, not exactly. But maybe. The RIAA is trying to remake the law, and some would say history, by promulgating a rule that would make ripping your own CDs to iPods illegal. That's right, under this rule, you would be breaking the law if you to take your own CDs and rip them to, for example, an iPod. Or to your PC. Or, for that matter, anything. In fact, you wouldn't be legally able to make any backup copies of anything. I wonder if you memorized the words or music of a song if the RIAA would say that was also illegal?



I am speecheless.
(Thankfully. Because uttering words is probably illegal because they have been used before)

I don't see how they could get you for thinking silently to yourself. Go public though, even just to sing to yourself - then they'd have you! That WOULD be violating copyright - a public performance - as far as they'd be concerned.