Monday 14 January, 2002
- Karma
You remember last week when I was talking about the
private business that is providing speed
enforcement services for the state. You know, the
one that parks vans at the side of road. These vans
are loaded with laser guns and video equipment to
allegedly capture a picture of your car and the
speed it is traveling at the time.
Before I get the point of this item, a few
relevant facts. First is that the state decided
that there would be no "grace" allowance. That is,
even if you were over the limit by only one mile
per hour, you would still get a ticket.
Secondly, the state decided that even police and
other emergency vehicles would be ticketed unless
they had their lights and sirens on at the
Well, there have been reports on the radio that
these vans, when on the way to their location, have
been, now wait for this, speeding. It seems where
ever they were going to, they were always observed
by the public as speeding.
You smart people out there should know by now
where this going. That's right, one of those
speeding vans was pulled over by a police officer
and was given a ticket for speeding. The kicker is
that the driver of the van is crying about how
unfair it is for him to be "picked on" and how he
will go to court to contest the ticket.
All I can say is what goes around comes
- Justice Served
- US District Judge J. Frederick Motz disapproved,
on Friday, the proposed Microsoft settlement (see his
36K PDF opinion
here). At this point, I don't know if MS will go
back to square one or try to salvage the proposed
settlement by amending it to address the judges
concerns but it is good to see that at least one
judge has a clue when it comes to technology.
- Now It Can Be Told
- Google recently added a service (see it
here) that allows you to comb through millions of
Usenet posts going back to 1981. Now, the rest of the
story. Salon has an article (see it
here) that tells how Google tracked down copies
of the first "Make Money Fast!!!!" posts.
- EnronGate
- You saw it here first. Or not. What did the
president know, and when did he know it? Was/is there
a coordinated attempt to obstruct justice? And who
is DeepThroat(tm)? Stay tuned as
this story spreads and envelopes an ever widening
circle of characters.
Class starts up tonight and the legislature opens on
Wednesday so things may get even leaner around here
than they have been lately.
Tuesday - 15 January, 2002
- Justice in the Balance
Today is D-Day for Mr.
Dominik. By the time this is published he may
know, one way or the other, whether he is employed
at his present site or if he begins again the
search for other employment. I'm sure he would
appreciate any Good Thoughts(tm) or prayers you may
send his way.
His situations brings back some not so pleasant
memories about my first, and so far only, time I
out of a job. I guess I was in my late 20s or early
thirties at the time. I'd been working for a
printing company that my aunt and uncle owned since
I was 10 or so (when not in school). My mom and
brother also worked there so you could accurately
say it was a family business.
The company was going through a tough period
about then but my firing came out of the blue, as
far as I was concerned. In retrospect, there were
clear signs that things weren't going well. Like
having our health coverage terminated, without
anyone telling us. In fact, the way I found out it
was terminated was when I went to the doctor and
the nurse said the policy was no longer in
Or when the paper company said they would no
longer extend credit to ours so all transactions
would have to be on a cash basis. So I guess I
shouldn't have been surprised. Nonetheless, I was.
Very surprised. And hurt. And yes, angry. We tend,
or at least I do, to find our self-worth in the
type of job we do. So almost by definition, no job,
no self-worth.
But after the initial shock, I hit the help
wanted adds. And was very disappointed. Here I had
a college degree and I couldn't find anything. At
least not anything that looked interesting. But I
swallowed my pride and interviewed for a job as a
temporary clerk with a large, for Hawai'i, local
retail clothing store call Liberty House (since
recently bought out by Macy's).
The job was in the buyer's department, which as
some of you know is where the people who decide
what merchandise will be in the store three-to-six
months from now. I was there about four or five
months and was able to gain some interesting
insights in to how a retail operation works (which
I may share some day). It was an exciting time,
especially during the major sales when the store
would be humming with activity.
Just as that temporary job ended, I got word
that a position I had applied for with the state
was being offered to me. Now, there is a story
about this and if you will bear with me, I'm going
to tell it now.
It seems the position I had applied to was
offered to someone else first (I didn't know any of
this story until years after it happened). This
someone else was very politically connected but
that's not the story (although it's probably why
she got the job). She took the job and was working
there for several months.
But it also seems she was having marital
problems with her husband. In fact, eventually she
killed him, with a hammer, while he slept.
Afterwards, while being questioned at the police
station, she excused herself to go to the restroom.
Once there, she pulled a handgun out of her purse,
put it to her head, and pulled the trigger.
Sometimes, the path we take is winding and
difficult to see. And in this case, full of
tragedy. But out of this tragedy, a door opened for
me. I went through that door and haven't looked
In the end, my being fired turned out the be the
best thing that could have happened to me. From
that firing, I eventually started working in state
government, which in turn led me to meet the woman
that would become my wife, and eventually brought
me to work with some of the most interesting,
intelligent people anywhere.
I don't know what the future may bring my way.
Maybe things will be easy, maybe they won't. But I
believe the hand of God can be seen in how things
have worked out and am thankful for His
- Thought for the Day
- When one door closes, another opens: but we often
look so long and regretfully upon the closed door
that we do not see the one which has opened for us. -
Alexander Graham Bell
Extra! Extra!
John Dominik announced at 12:45pm his time that he
was spared the cut and his job is safe.
Wednesday - 16 January, 2002
- Sun Day Off
- Well, if people can have Snow Days in which they
take the day off due to snow I figured I could take a
Sun Day off due to excessively good weather. That is
not to say I don't have anything to say this bright
morning [heaven forbid - ed.]
- Good Luck
- When I went to class Monday night I found that
someone I had known when I was working in the
Department of Budget and Finance was also in the
class. It was so good to see her after all these
years. Unfortunately, after working in state
government longer than I have, she was recently
notified she will be terminated at the end of the
month. Talk about bitter sweet times.
- Doc Jim
- I note that the Good Doctor's Journal (see it
here) is going on temporary hiatus. I don't know
what is going on with the Doc Jim but I don't think
it would hurt to send a few spare good thoughts or
prayers his way.
- Praise the Lord
- Thanks be to God from whom all blessings flow.
Fellow Daynoter John Dominik still has a job. May the
economy get better soon so that all who want to work,
Thursday - 17 January, 2002
- EnronGate
- Seen on the net, the latest excuse kids are
giving for not having their homework: "My dad's
Arthur Anderson accountant shredded my homework."
- Hunterisms
- "Watching the Baltimore Ravens play football is
like...being stuck for six hours in an elevator with
Dick Cheney on speed. - Hunter
S. Thompson
- What, Me Worry?
- The Michigan Lawsuit Abuse Watch site displays a
list of actual warning labels for various products
(see the list here). A
couple of the better ones are: A label on a toilet?
Recycled flush water unsafe for drinking. And
"Warning: Riders of personal watercraft may suffer
injury due to forceful injection of water into body
cavities either by falling into the water or while
mounting the craft."
- Metal Mania
ABC News reports (see it
here) a Brisbane, Australia company called
Metal Storm (see their site here) has
designed (but perhaps not actually built) weapons,
using their multiple projectiles per barrel
technology, that could fire millions of rounds per
They do this by pre-loading barrels with
multiple rounds, each one in the front of the
other. All rounds are electronically fired. Thus,
other than the bullet itself, there are no moving
Aloha Friday - 18 January, 2002
It's Friday!
- The Need for Speed
- 3.6GHz. Is that fast enough for you? The over
clockers are at it again. By using liquid nitrogen to
cool an Intel 2GHz CPU, the gang was able to push it
to about 3.6GHz (see it
here). Scroll down to the bottom of the screen at
their site for the English summary.

- Lord of the Legos
Okay, so this is a bit of a stretch, but for those
one of you (you know who you are) who love LOTR and
Legos comes the Legos version of the movie. See the
little plastic Frodos here.
By the by, what do you call a webring of LOTR
fans? A Tolkien Ring, of course (hey, don't blame
me, it wasn't my idea).
Have a Great Weekend Everyone -
Aloha! Or as Brian would say:

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